
Strawberry & Banana Dream Cupcake – Starring Seasonal Strawberries.

These Cupcakes are so fluffy and light.

I love Strawberries and I can never use all my bananas before they become too ripe. I freeze the bananas for smoothies and make banana bread too. I wanted to make a cute pretty cupcake and I saw the prettiest strawberries they were so vibrant. I remembered its my favourite time of year.


Here are some reasons to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, 

It is fresh tasting and freshly picked. These foods grown locally so you support your own community, and you can be assured the food is safe and healthy for you and your family. Very cost effective, when fruit is in season it significantly less expensive. It encourages you to try new options and create new recipes. You step outside of your comfort-zone. 

My favourite reason is the Nutritional value year around, we are always encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables. Foods that are imported from different places are older and over time loose more of their nutrients. Local produce is harvested at its peak freshness and does travel as far of a distance to get to you. When we see the vibrant colours we have to have them and its good to know they are packed with nutrients too. 

Reducing the carbon footprint, helps alleviate our dependence on fossil fuels, reduce air pollution and cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. Helping to restore our environment, for the next generation. 🙂

Now onto the star of the show the cupcakes! These cupcakes were easy to prepare and bake. Total time 45mins.

Enjoyment time : Priceless 🙂

Strawberry Puree Topping.

Step 1: In a medium saucepan, add one cup of sliced Strawberries, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of coconut sugar.

Step 2: Bring Strawberries to a boil for 3 minutes, constantly stirring. Reduce the strawberries to low temperature and keep stirring.

Step 3: Use a hand blender to puree the strawberries until smooth consistency.

Step 4: Strain strawberries to remove seeds.

Step 5: Enjoy smooth naturally sweet strawberry puree. 🙂

Strawberry & Banana Dream Cupcakes.

Step 1: Wash and cut strawberries and bananas in to cubes. In mixer combine butter & coconut suger for 5 mins. Add milk & vanilla extract. 

Step 2: In a large bowl sift flour and add dry ingredients.

Step 3: On low speed, slowly combine flour mixture into wet ingredients.

Step 4: Lastly fold in cubed strawberries. 

Step 5: Fill cupcake molds and with toothpick carefully swirl strawberry puree into the top of cupcake. 

Step 6: Bake for 25 mins until toothpick is clean. 

Step 7: The fun part! Top this Dreamy cupcakes off with Sliced Strawberries and a little extra puree. ENJOY!

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